The Procedure

Dr. Simon performs buttock augmentation with the patient’s own fat. This technique is truly body sculpting as fat is removed from several areas of the body, especially the abdomen, waist, hips, back, and thighs and utilized to augment the buttocks. The combination of body liposculpture and improving the shape and fullness of the buttocks can make a profound difference in overall appearance. There are significant benefits to using a patient’s own fat to augment / lift the buttocks. The majority of the grafted fat is permanent and there is no need to worry about implant related complications. The result has a much more natural appearance compared with implants, as fat is used to augment any portion of the buttocks that is necessary to create the desired pleasing shape. In addition, the recovery period is significantly easier and more comfortable than with buttock implants.

Brazilian Buttock Lift

Your Surgical Experience

Dr. Simon and his office staff will make your surgical experience as easy and comfortable for you as possible.

Buttock augmentation is performed on an outpatient basis. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you at least the first night following surgery.

If you are a smoker, you may be asked to stop smoking well in advance of surgery. Aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs can cause increased bleeding, so you should avoid taking these medications for a period of time before surgery. Your surgeon will provide you with additional preoperative instructions.

Dr. Simon utilizes several medications during the surgery that will lead to increased comfort in the postoperative period. A long acting local anesthetic will be placed in the area under the muscle along with the implant which will significantly decrease postoperative pain. Dr. Simon makes a special effort to ensure the most comfortable surgical experience possible.

Good Candidates for Buttock Augmentation

  • – Patients with buttocks that lack projection or fullness
  • – Patients that desire improved shape and/ or firmness of the buttocks
  • – Patients desiring a more feminine overall body figure with improved curves


  • Butt implants Miami

    The Consultation Process

    During the consultation, you will be asked about your desired buttock shape and size. Dr. Simon will explain the procedure and what can be expected from the results and recovery process. Dr. Simon will spend as much time as necessary to make you feel completely comfortable about your decision and answer all of your questions.

  • Buttock augmentation in Miami

    What to Expect After Surgery

    You will see Dr. Simon for a follow up appointment 1-2 days after the surgery. The surgical compression garment will be removed at that time and further instructions will be given. You will be permitted to shower after this visit. A postoperative compression garment will be worn for three months.

  • Buttock augmentation Miami

    Post-op Activity Restrictions

    During the first two weeks after surgery, you will be restricted to sitting for only short periods of time and patients are required to sleep on their abdomen. After the first 2 weeks, sitting for more extended periods of time will be permitted (using a soft pillow for weeks 3 and 4). Overall activity is gradually increased.


The subject of risks and potential complications of surgery is best discussed on a personal basis between you and Dr. Simon at the time of your consultation. Some of the potential complications that may be discussed with you include bleeding, infection and reactions to anesthesia, although these are all rare.

Book Your Consultation

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